Parrhesia Summer Academy

High School Educator Seminars

Parrhesia High School Educator Seminars are focused gatherings for those committed to fostering freedom of expression, open inquiry, and constructive discourse in the high school setting. Join us as we explore strategies to cultivate environments where students build capacities for critical thinking, clear expression, and meaningful conversations about, with, and across differences and disagreements. 

Freedom of Expression: Explore the challenges and opportunities in high school education. 

Engage in hands-on workshops covering practical strategies for nurturing open discussion, addressing challenging topics, and promoting respectful discourse within the high school classroom.

Cultivate Constructive Discourse: Discover practical approaches and tools to create an environment where diverse perspectives are valued, and students feel empowered to express and interrogate ideas.

Connect with fellow high school educators who share a commitment to fostering student engagement. Join a supportive community invested in exchanging ideas, experiences, and resources.

Participant Voices

“The Seminar gave me a framework to inspire and educate my students on discussing difficult topics and encourage them to reflect on free expression's essential role in a flourishing, pluralistic democracy. We studied controversial subjects and slowed down the discussions to move away from reaction and to move towards reflection. My students commented that they felt better prepared to enter college with courageous, creative acceptance of opinions other than their own. Thank you so much for your support!”