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SCPD Minor

The SCPD minor is designed for students who wish to develop substantial knowledge and practical experience in science communication. Completing the minor will furnish students with strong theoretical foundations, experience working across different media formats, and polished work ready for publication or inclusion in a portfolio. Students from all majors are eligible to minor in Science Communication and Public Discourse. 

Minor Requirements

The Science Communication and Public Discourse minor requires a total of seven courses. These include one required scientific skills course, one required course in public engagement (SCPD 13700), two SCPD courses from a menu of six possibilities, and three electives. 

Scientific Skills Course: Students must take one Scientific Skills course from the Biological Sciences Collegiate Division (BSCD), Physical Sciences Collegiate Division (PSCD), Molecular Engineering (PME), or Psychology. To count as such, the course may not be used to fulfill a general education requirement. In addition, a Scientific Skills course must have a number in BSCD, PSCD, PME, or Psychology. General education courses (e.g., PHSC courses) that are not being used to fulfill general education requirements are permitted. Test credit (e.g., Advanced Placement credit) is not permitted.

If a student is majoring or minoring in one of these areas, the Scientific Skills course requirement will be waived, and the student will complete a six-course minor.

All students minoring in SCPD are required to take one course about engaging the public in scientific topics: SCPD 13700 Science Communication and Public Engagement.

Additional courses focused on key formats of science communication. Students are required to take two of the following six courses:

  • SCPD 11100 Science Communication: Writing a Digital Science Story 
  • SCPD 11200 Science Communication: Producing a Science Video Story
  • SCPD 11300 Science Communication: Crafting a Science Think Piece
  • SCPD 11400 Science Communication: Producing a Science Podcast
  • SCPD 11500 Science Communication: Designing a Science Exhibit
  • SCPD 11x00 Science Communication: Introduction to the Field of Science Communication 


Finally, students must complete at least three electives. Note that any of the SCPD courses above not used as a required course may also serve as an elective.

  • SCPD 11x00 Science Communication: The Body on Display
  • SCPD 11x00 Science Communication: Explorations of Mars